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Robotnícka 1394/1, 91501, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia
Contact number
+421 32/771 28 30
+421 32/771 36 96
+421 32/771 56 13
+421 32/771 36 96
+421 32/771 56 13
Company description
STREDNÉ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTE POTRAVINÁRSKE A POĽNOHOSPODÁRSKE is a vocational school in Slovakia dedicated to providing quality education in the fields of food production and agriculture. Founded in 1998, the school has been offering a wide range of courses and programs to students from all over the country. The school's mission is to foster and cultivate the knowledge, skills, and expertise of its students to help them become successful and responsible professionals in their respective fields.
The school offers a comprehensive curriculum with courses in food science, agricultural engineering, sustainable agriculture, and food safety. Additionally, students can choose to specialize in specific fields, such as plant protection, animal husbandry, and food processing. The school also
At STREDNÉ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTE POTRAVINÁRSKE A POĽNOHOSPODÁRSKE, students can expect to receive a high-quality education and gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become successful professionals in the food and agriculture industry. With its commitment to excellence, the school strives to provide its students with the best possible education and training.
The school offers a comprehensive curriculum with courses in food science, agricultural engineering, sustainable agriculture, and food safety. Additionally, students can choose to specialize in specific fields, such as plant protection, animal husbandry, and food processing. The school also
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provides internships and job placements to help its graduates gain hands-on experience in the food industry.At STREDNÉ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTE POTRAVINÁRSKE A POĽNOHOSPODÁRSKE, students can expect to receive a high-quality education and gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become successful professionals in the food and agriculture industry. With its commitment to excellence, the school strives to provide its students with the best possible education and training.
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